On fitness by comparison. Oct. 19
Morning y'all. I trust you're all fit as the proverbial. I say this despite not knowing how fit a proverbial should be, or even what the proverbial is. The proverbial might not be very fit at all. In which case my assuming you're as fit as the proverbial, while not knowing the condition the proverbial is in, could mean I was implying you're all gone to seed and that wouldn't be very nice of me at all now.... would it?.
So lets have a wee look at three different definitions of As fit as...
As a fiddle - Surely it's the fiddle player who's the fit one cos I've never seen a fiddle doing the 100m dash....
As a butcher's dog - Surely the dog would get a little on the podgy side, what with all the scrag ends and meaty treats his master throws his way....
As a flea - This is more like it, a flea could definitely be considered fit. It can jump 7" vertically and 13" horizontally. So extrapolate that to a human and you could jump a decent sized building or a wide river. But!! There are drawbacks. You get out of a chair a bit sharpish, BANG!!! you've gone through the ceiling and surprised your other half upstairs in the bath. Jump over a puddle, god knows where you'll end up. Try crossing the road in one jump you'll have to ca' canny. Get it wrong and SPLAT!!! you're plastered all over the side of a passing double-decker bus heading to Dingwall. Or anywhere else for that matter.
So when you consider all the options, maybe it's best to be, "as fit as you are". Have a good one folks...
Looking over Portree to the Old Man of Storr
On greetin' daced. May 21
Good evening y'all. Are we well? You are... that's good. I'd hate to think you were all crabbit, doon in the mooth, or fair to middlin' greetin' faced. Isn't the Scots language wonderful, all these different definitions of a sour puss. Mind you avoiding folks in these states of mind is highly recommended. Cos they do have this terrible tendency to harsh your mellow and other such nonsense. So all I can advise is.... Stay happy and smile y'all. You know it makes sense.
On silliness. Dec. 23
Afternoon folkses and how are we this fine Saturday? You're all good! Excellent that's what we like to hear. Now that you've all committed to being good you can't take it back. What do you mean you never said a word. I'm positively, absolutely and definitely, almost sure you all said you were good. Right!... That's enough of the silliness, you couldn't write this nonsense. Wait a minute I just did. Ach well, tha sin mar sin and that's life etc...
On Mole Day. Oct. 17
On heat waves in Scotland. Sep. 23
Rogie Falls Wood. Ross-shire.
On the North Wind. Nov. 17
Clachan Sands, North Uist.
On inspirational snippets. Mar. 23
On sharing the sun. Sep. 21
Well!!.. feasgar math and good evening to you all. There's a wee bit shortage of sunshine over here on the Uists. In fact I'd go as far as to say, there's no sunshine over here on the Uists. And I do feel strongly that you folks on the mainland should learn to share a little bit. I'm going to say no more about it. Hopefully you'll all do the right thing and I can look forward to enjoying the sun tomorrow.
On getting there. Aug. 21
Afternoon y'all. I trust you're all just hunky dory and rarin' to go. Doesn't matter where you're rarin' to go, as long as you get there. Getting there should always be the end result. Not getting there, not really what you want. Unless the there you got to was a better there than the there you were initially trying to get to. Should that have been the case, then getting to that there, was obviously a better result than your first there, wherever that there was. So basically what I'm saying is I hope you got there, but not to a there you didn't want. Only to the there you preferred. I think that makes sense.Right that's enough about that/those/these theres. We'll get back to the here. Apols for being awol, but the usual nonsense meant that real-life reared it's ugly whotsit. Personally I could do without it, but it isn't really up to me. So... c'est la vie and that's life etc...
On meerkats. jun. 21
Morning folks, are you all happy as meerkats in a happy meerkat hoose on happy meerkat day? You are... that's good. So I expect you're all sitting upright on your hunkers with your paws in front of you. Just like your mammy checking for dirty hands when you were a wean. Makes for an interesting mental image that does. Anyway.... that's your task for today. Look over at your workmates, friends, other half, kids or whatever and picture them sitting like meerkats. If you do and it makes you smile. Then your head's in the right place..... Stay safe and keep smiling y'all. It's the only way...
North Kessock from Clachnaharry
Of that ilk. May 21
Good evening folks. Are we all just fair to middling hunky dory, doing alright, fine and dandy and sundry other phrases of that ilk. You are...... that's good. It makes me happy to know you're all of that ilk. Even tho' there has been many a heated discussion amongst the learned, know-it-all types as to what exactly 'that ilk' is. We, the hoi-polloi, are generally considered to know precisely what 'that ilk' is. And it's held to be very bad form indeed for the learned and know-it-alls to ask sane and sensible folks, like ourselves, the definition of 'that ilk'. This, of course, is not to establish whether we know or not, but there may be some learned, know-it-all, type listening in and we can't have them finding out. Can we? Stay safe y'all...
On the coming of spring. May 21
Good afternoon folkses. Are we all well and when is spring going to arrive? First question will be easy enough, second one not so much. Cos jings, crivvens and help ma whatsits, we're still getting new snow on the ruddy Ben. (Ben Wyvis for those of you unfamiliar with our local mountain.) I'm pretty sure thon mannie upstairs is taking the wee-wee, so a wee bitty shout for spring is definitely on the to-do list. Do you think spring can actually hear things? If it can't, then there's not an awful lot of point giving it a shout, is there? Be about as much use as finding yourself in the middle of a pride of hungry lions armed with only a ladle and a paper hankie. What could you do with a ladle and a hankie? I hear you shout. Well you bonk one of the lions on the head with the ladle and use the hankie to wipe the blood off your face when it smacks you round the ear for taking liberties. Stay safe y'all...
On being fair to middlin' Aug. 21
Feasgar math folkses, how are we all? Fair to middlin' appears to be the general response. That's good.... not a lot wrong with fair to middlin' unless you're more middlin' than fair. Don't think you can complain if your too fair. Especially if some folks have had to take your middlin', cos you've got a bitty too much in the way of fair. So spare a thought for those unfortunates who happen to have a lot more middlin' than fair, or even no fair at all. In fact some of these folks could actually be middlin' to bad but looking at that state of affairs in detail could be pretty stressful. Especially for those folks who are edging just a wee tad too far in the direction of bad. Does this make sense? No...! Then my job is done...
On the Hunchback of Whotsit. Jan. 21
On being scathed. Jan. 21
Good evening folks, I trust we've all arrived at the end of the week relatively unscathed. You have.....!! That's excellent! cos being scathed is not very pleasant at all, you can take my word for it. I've been scathed several times now and consquently am quite familiar with some of the many different scathes out there. It also has to be said I can't impart any details of these experiences, as they're all subject to 'keep yer mooth shut' regulations. But I can tell you they're all considerably worse than fighting your way through five miles of bramble thicket wearing only khaki shorts, a string simmet and open-toed sandals, with socks...... So stay safe and unscathed y'all, you know it makes sense...
On Wedfnesdays. Nov. 19
Morning folks and welcome to Wednesday. I trust you're all well and having an all right kinda Wednesday. Wednesdays are odd days aren't they. Here we are half-way through the working week and you think you've got the week licked. But you haven't have you, you've still got two days to go... Not only that, you've already had two days before you even got this far. Which TBH is okay if you've had a wonderful week but not so good if you're having the worst week. So if you're having a wonderful week we hope it stays that way and if you're having the worst week.... think positive. It can only get better. Have a good one y'all...
On individuality. Jun. 20
Greetings and salutations to all and sundry. You can decide for yourselves who is all and who is sundry. Generally you may decide to be part of all, but the inescapable fact that you are only one person should immediately preclude you from being all. Unless... much like a bee you believe yourself to be part of a collective. Individual bees, are of course, part of a collective. They probably don't see themselves as part of a collective, possibly because they don't understand collective. Just as it wouldn't be too much of a stretch of the imagination to consider that bees don't use the words workers, drones and scouts. Primarily because the words, workers, drones and scouts, are our words, not bee ones. But the question remains..... Can one bee from a hive be a truly individual bee? To be honest I don't know, cos I don't speak bee. Have a good one folks...
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