On Monday mornings. Nov. 23
Morning y'all and hello to another Monday morning. I take it you all left the house this morning whistling Heigh-ho Heigh-ho it's off to.... etc. Smiled at the antics of the little scamps who cut you up on the road in. Warmly greeted the boss/foreman/traffic manager at your workplace and plunged into the days duties with passion and a happy heart. What's that...? You didn't!!! Well there's a ferk'n surprise... Stay safe and keep the faith y'all and always remember... If you can't see the elephant in front of you. It's hiding in a cherry tree with it's toenails painted red.
On Resolutions after two decades Dec. 19
On feelings. Mar. 22
Good afternoon y'all. Are we all just apple pie and ice cream, or are we semolina and prunes? One or two of you appear to be apple pie and prunes.... not exactly the best combination, so please accept my sympathies. We are of course over here in the wild and woolly Hebrides. Not particularly wild, or woolly, at the moment, but it usually is. We did the tourist bitty yesterday and went shopping. Life on the edge, or what? Probably or what..... But heigh-ho what else can you do, When you need food you go shopping, when you're tired you sleep and when you're feeling a shade amorous you have a cold shower, or two, or three even. Whatever it takes. We trust however your feeling you'll take the appropriate action. So enjoy your meal, have sweet dreams, or make sure there's at least three warm towels on the radiator. Have a good one y'all...
On squirrels Nov. 17
Afternoon y'all. Isn't this weather fair to middlin' hellish? Sleat, rain, hailstones, sunshine and a lazy wind all over a couple of hours and even all at the same time. You'd think we were in the Highlands of Scotland in November, or something. Are we downhearted? Of course we are, it's ferk'n freezin'. Think I'll make like a squirrel (a red one that is, not one of these interloping American grey fellows), store away my nuts and hibernate for the winter. Maybe a beautiful princess will come along and kiss me while I sleep. Then SHAZAAM! there'll be a cloud of fairy dust and I'll turn into a frog...
Crepuscular rays over The Ord
On mornings we'd like. Jan 24
Morning ladies and gents... I trust y'all threw back the covers this morning, dived into the shower singing like a wee linnty, danced down the stairs and into the kitchen, (bungalow dwellers you danced down the hall,) kissed the other half passionately, savoured the sausage egg bacon and beans, two rounds of toast and cuppa tea lovingly placed on the table in front of you, got out of your chair and with a gentle squeeze of their left/right bum cheek, kissed the other half passionately again. Then cheerfully threw on your coat and finally sauntered out the door happily whistling 'heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's off to work we go'. No!!! Well there's a ferk'n surprise. Stay safe and remember the elephant folks...
On mornings we get. Jan 24
Morning folkses... I trust some of you raised a bleary eyelid and peered at the alarm clock this morning. Then thought... FECK! I've slept in... You tumble out of bed thinking, I haven't time for a bloody shower and begin pulling on your clothes and stumble down the stairs trying to get your left arm into the right armhole of your shirt, finally arriving in the kitchen (bungalow dwellers you stumbled up the hall). Grumping a slightly less than cheery good morning to your other half you sit down to tie your shoes muttering a series of unintelligable curses when the ferk'n shoelace snaps. That done, you grab a mouthful of the toast and the tea your beloved had actually made for themselves, Checking your watch you rise and pull your coat off the hook, pulling the hook off at the same time. Muttering another series of expletives you kiss himself/herself, leaving a smear of toast crumbs, butter and marmalade on their cheek and charge out the door grunting something that could have been "love you". Sheepishly returning to get the car keys... You're back out the door again and into the car thinking to yourself "what's that bloody elephant doing in my cherry tree". Making your way into work you curse every unfortunate, not away from the lights, or turning right, with the alacrity you'ld like them to, this last despite the fact you yourself were in the wrong lane, eventually reaching the workplace with seconds to spare. What!!! Some of you did.. Well there's a ferk'n surprise. Stay safe and remember the elephants folks...
On halves. Nov. 23
Existentialism? Well maybe not. Apr. 23
Afternoon y'all. Not a bad day up here on the wee hill, a gentle breeze blowing, birdies a-tweeting and a-twittering, the grass slowly turning from winter's sickly yellow to a spring-like healthy green and weans playing happily in the street. It occurred I should give some serious thought to it all. Maybe.. given a bitty time I'd find myself at a life confirming, existential crossroads. But no! It was too much for my wee brain as all I got was a painful release of much smoke and many, many sparks. So I concluded, ferk that for a game of soldiers and went back to watching motorcycling on the telly...
On what to do at weekends. Jan 23
Uilebheist Clachan Shanda (The Beast of Clachan Sands)
On Easter pastimes. Apr. 19
Morning folks, I trust we're all planning a bit of a traditional Easter Sunday. Egg hunting, lamb lofting, bunny bouncing, chickie chucking, etc. We don't really chuck chickies I'm not a monster altogether. Chickie chucking just involves passing the soft little fluffy chicks gently from hand to hand into a box of feathers. In the old days it was a lot less gentle, but so's not to offend anybody's sensibilities I won't go into too much detail. Suffice to say it did involve a badminton racquet and the chuckers would start by standing at least twenty yards apart. The distance increasing by five yards every round. Please note entering the event was not compulsory but you know how cruel up for anything chickies can be to other less adventurous ones. It also has to be noted that some of the little chuckees were reluctant chuckees and weren't overly happy about being a chuckee in the first place and would chirp most vociferously to their usually anti-chucking mammy chickens before the chucking began. Of course daddy chickens would actively encourage their offspring to take part. Especially if they had been a chuckee when they were chicks. It was a well known fact that back in the day the sport of chickie chucking made for some really hardy chicks. Even the farm cat and the local fox would give these brave birdies a wide berth. But eventually, as with everything character building. Health and Safety and the Liberals got in on the act and changed the rules so that even soft, fluffy wussie, chickies could take part.
Happy Easter folks, enjoy your eggs. I'll be having mine fried on a roll with a couple of rashers of bacon...
On what you don't see passing your window.. jan. 18
On weather in the west and falling out of bed. Nov. 22
Morning y'all from the wild and woolly west. Was wild, wet and woolly last night, but only wild and woolly this morning. Concrete evidence, should it be needed, that the weather doesn't always stay the same in the He-brides. Having a wee rest day so won't be going far, Solas Co-op be the limit I think.
Well... we managed to do something last night that I can't remember doing before. Or, if I had done it before, I can't remember when. Get your minds oot o' the gutter, you lot thinking the mucky thoughts. It wasn't anything nice like that.
Somewhere around four o'clock this morning I fell out of bed. I woke up to find myself lying on the floor like ten pounds of mince, (okay twenty, [shakes head] there's always a pedant). Scaring the whotsit out of She Who Must.... etc. in the process. I'm lying there like a stunned gazelle (okay stunned buffalo.... that nitpicker again) wondering why myself and the floor have become such good buddies, not to mention my feeling, more than a little, pain. Turns out I managed to drag my stomach down and over the leg height adjuster of my computer table, leaving a bit of a mess behind. Looks worse than it probably is, but it stung a bit I can tell you. Got a few other bruises but heigh-ho, could have been worse. Anyway..... the moral of the story is don't be rolling off the side of the bed, sleeping or otherwise. When James Bond does it and comes up with the gun to make short work of the bad guy. It looks cool. When we lesser beings do it, with or without a gun. Not so much.....
On Scotch Mist. Jun. 24
Morning y'all welcome from a gie dreich North Uist. Where a serious case of Scotch Mist has cast it's moistness upon us. Everything's as wet as wet thing can get. In fact it's even wetter than that, It's wetter than a drookit cat after falling into the wettest river in the wettest country in the wettest part of the world. Which of course could occasionally be Scotland. So just in case you didn't get the message, it's WET!!! Have a dry one folks...
On the flap in your long johns. Apr. 20
Colours of Berneray
Observations on Mondays and what else to call them. Mar. 21
Well ferk me if it ain't another Monday. They really need to do something about all these Mondays in one year, I mean there's 52 of them and occasionally 53. Which to be honest is just taking the wee-wee. Maybe we should petition to give it another name. But that wouldn't really help as we'd end up complaining that it was just another another name day. So I'm afraid there's only one solution, live with all the ferk'n Mondays. In fact that's an ideal name for the first day following the weekend. Not only that, a lot of you are probably referring to today as Ferk'n Monday already. So have a good Ferk'n Monday folks and remember tomorrow's Ferk'n Tuesday.
On belting it out. Mar. 22
Morning y'all. Hopefully you're all out there whistling or singing along to whatever it is you listen to in the cab/house/any other workplace where there's just you. Even if you can't sing, belt it out, no fecker can hear you. So give it laldy ladies and gents. You know you want to. Me? I'm making relatively musical noises to a sixties compilation. Relatively being the operative word...
On window wipers and what you don't know about them. Nov. 19
On the three Bs. Apr. 19
Morning folks, a fine day so it is, so it is, bejabers, bejasus and begorrah. As always we hope you all get through the day the day with as few bejabers, bejasus and begorrahs as possible. I don't know where this nonsense/waffle I occasionally spout comes from, it kinda just appears. Personally I blame the medication...
Clouds May 24
Morning folkses. I trust we're all fit as the flea on the butcher's dog. If you aren't today, then I hope you will be tomorrow. But, even if you aren't as fit as the flea on the butcher's dog today, tomorrow, or any other day, the trick is to think you are. So stay fit in your heads folks and bounce over them grey clouds. It fairly discumknockerates the minds of those feckwits who have nothing better to do than to try and harsh your mellow...
Vallay House. Former home of Scots photographer Erskine Beveridge,
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